Pi Day 2015

Pi Day 2015 is the “Pi Day of the Century” because the date 3/14/15 is the only one this century that contains not just three, but the first five digits of pi!  This way of writing dates is used mainly in the United States, but we are just as happy to celebrate this special occasion at Box Hill High School!

Since this year’s Pi Day fell on a Saturday, we had to commemorate this special day on Friday the 13th. Lunch time was especially busy at the Quad as many students and teachers gathered at various game stations and the canteen for pies. Students put their flexibility to the test at the hula hoop spinning station, with Ms Richards as the reigning champion among the staff members! Those who preferred to compete using their aiming skills tried their luck at BHHS’s version of Quoits, where we threw rubber discs into a huge hula hoop some two metres away.

On the main stage, we had our version of mathematical Spelling Bee – Pi Recital Contest. Although there were many admirable personal achievements from Mr Roizman and students across different year levels, the focus was on our champion from 2014, Year 12’s Luca Kennedy. The scorching sun certainly did not faze Luca, who had spent one year in memorizing the digits! Silence ensued occasionally when Luca nearly tripped up, but as usual, perseverance does pay off (as with doing Maths), for Luca walked away triumphantly as the reigning champion of 2015 with an impressive 1000 digits! You are a legend, Luca! Of course, what better way to reward Luca than to give him meat pies from the canteen!

Perhaps the highlight would be the finale of Pi Day – (Shaving Cream) Pie Throwing Station. All participants of the day got to vote for the teacher they wanted to be the target. This year, Mr Justin Bond, our Year 7 Coordinator, was the target. However, he certainly made sure Luca got a piece of the (cream) pie too!

Thank you to all staff members, canteen and participants who made this event possible. 

Photos courtesy of Mr James Taylor

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