Enrolment at Box Hill High School is consistent with government legislation and departmental policy.
The demand for enrolment at Box Hill High School often exceeds the number of places available. Due to such enrolment pressure, the school has been allocated a designated school zone by the Department of Education (DE) Regional Director and this may be subject to change each year. Enrolment is guaranteed for those students who are permanent residents in the school zone, subject to verification processes.
We can only guarantee enrolment for students living within our designated school zone.
Our school zone
The Find my School website is the official and most up to date source of school zone maps in Victoria. All government Primary, Secondary and Specialist Schools are on Find my School.
Year 7 students
Moving from primary to secondary school
The enrolment process for government Secondary Schools is facilitated by Primary Schools during the Grade 6 year.
It is the Primary School Transition Coordinator's role to assist parents with the application process for enrolment at a government Secondary School.
Moving from a government primary school to a government secondary school
Moving from a non-government primary school or home schooling to a government secondary school
For placement in Year 7 at Secondary School, you will need to:
For all information on transitioning from Year 6 to 7, including the Placement Information Packs for Parents/Carers, please visit the Department of Education and Training website week 1, Term 2, of your child’s Grade 6 year refer to
Moving from Primary to Secondary school: information for parents and carers
Moving into Year 7 from interstate/overseas
Parents of Year 7 students who do not currently live in Victoria, can make an application during the Grade 6 year at their child’s new Victorian primary school or when they are living permanently in the neighbourhood.
Students moving into our zone who will not be transitioning via primary school are requested to complete the Enrolment Enquiry Form.
All other enquiries are made when the student is living with their family permanently in our neighbourhood.
Students applying from independent schools / interstate / overseas
Students who have NOT previously been enrolled in a Victorian Government School are required to complete their application via the Victorian government portal for parents and carers.
Students residing within our school zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined based on your permanent residential address.
If a student applying from overseas requires language support, they will be directed to a language school as their first place of enrolment. Eligible students can attend an English language school, campus or centre for between two and four terms. The small class sizes and high number of contact hours enable EAL teachers to deliver an intensive English language program (also known as a new arrivals program) tailored to the differing needs of students. This helps them to adapt as quickly as possible to the Australian education system and society.
Students who qualify for English Language assistance will be directed to a government funded language school and subsequent enrolment at government secondary school will be managed by the language school.
Please refer to Blackburn English Language School or any of the government-funded Language schools listed on the DE website.
Determining permanent residence
We request the provision of supporting documentation to verify your permanent residential address within the Box Hill High School zone. Documents should show the same address and parent/guardian name as recorded on the school enrolment submission.
If deemed necessary, we may request additional supporting documentation after reviewing your enrolment application, to confirm your child’s eligibility to enrol at Box Hill High School.
Documentation Required
Please note that to begin reviewing your request for enrolment, the following documents are required at the time of submitting your application. Please upload these as PDF documents.
1.1 Council Rates Notice
1.2 Exchanged Contract of Sale
1.3 Residential Tenancies Board (RTBA) Bond Receipt
2.1 Centrelink payment statement showing your name and home address
2.2 Electoral roll statement
3.1 Electricity or Gas bill showing your service address
3.2 Water bill showing the service address
3.3 Telephone or internet bill showing the service address
3.4 Drivers licence or government ID showing your current home address
3.5 Home building or home contents insurance notice showing the insured address (not medical insurance)
3.6 Motor vehicle (VICROADS) registration or third-party insurance policy showing your home address.
1. Copy of most recent school report including the most recent NAPLAN results. If the last school of enrolment was overseas, please provide this report.
2. Proof of birth
a. Copy of Birth Certificate
b. If student was not born in Australia:
i Copy of Australian citizenship, or
ii A copy of the Students Passport and Visa (including Visa Subclass Number, if applicable).
3. Copy of legal guardianship if required (e.g. Australian Family Court guardianship document).
CLICK HERE to begin your application.
Students applying to transfer from another Victorian government school
Students currently enrolled in a Victorian Government school who wish to apply for enrolment should complete the Enrolment Enquiry Form. Please email the form along with all required documents as listed above, in PDF format, to enrolments@boxhillhs.vic.edu.au
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