Digital Learning Program

Digital Learning Program

 We believe that we need to support our students to develop and demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are required in a rapidly evolving digital environment. Access to appropriate technology through the use of 1:1 laptop computers is therefore an ongoing focus of our school. This program provides our community of learners with rich and differentiated learning experiences.


Students need to establish connections to their school and community. Laptops allow them to communicate outside class time with their teachers, work collaboratively with fellow students, and access the internal school network. Online and digital resources make the laptop an essential companion to learning.


Learning in a 1-to-1 environment is active and student-centered. All students will have access to a digital device, which connects them with real-world contexts for learning, multimedia resources, software for learning and online tools and applications.


With greater access to real-time information such as digital learning resources, educational software and collaborative workspaces, students experience higher levels of motivation and engagement in their learning. Students typically show initial improvement in organisational and technical skills, revision, writing and editing work. With the development of presentations and other multimedia projects, students then develop analytical, presentation and communication skills.  Students will build skills in collaborative research and problem solving using the tools and methods they will utilise in the professional workplace.


Device specifications per year level

Year 7 students

Students in Year 7 are expected to have a touchscreen notebook.  The Lenovo Yoga L13 is highly recommended by the school.

Families may purchase this device and accessories through the LWT online portal. Details are provided to all Year 7 students and families when they enrol. Technical support, extended warranties and insurance can also be arranged through the LWT portal.


Year 8-9 students

Year 8-9 students use the touchscreen notebook they purchased in Year 7.


Year 10 – 12 students

Families are encouraged to purchase a new laptop when their child begins year 10 to maintain warranty and insurance coverage. Students in Years 10–12 must choose a device that meets our minimum requirements and specifications but may decide on a device with higher specifications depending on their learning program.



Students are provided with free school-licensed and government-provided software for their device (including the Office365 suite). To access this software, students use their BHHS credentials, which are provided to all students at the start of the school year and available from IT support throughout the year as needed. If students want to use other software for school work, then families can choose to purchase and install it, including updates and licences.

Games are not to be played or downloaded on the device at school.


Storage and charging

Students are required to have a protective case for their device and store it in their locker during recess, lunch and physical education and other practical classes.

All devices must be charged overnight at home and be fully charged at the start of each school day. It is not possible to charge devices at school.


Network and internet access

The school has a robust network that is maintained by a full-time network manager and technical support team. The school also utilises a Next-Gen Firewall solution to provide internet filtering and protect against outside threats.  Students have access to the internet at school for educational purposes only.

Families experiencing financial hardship with purchasing books and devices are encouraged to contact the school to discuss their circumstances and the support available.


Office 365, Teams, and OneNote

Office 365, Teams, and OneNote is a hybrid learning system that allows students to interact with teachers and peers in a highly collaborative digital learning environment.


We have selected the Office 365 suite of programs as an efficient way to articulate, store and streamline our curriculum and our approach to learning.


The Office 365 suite of programs is user friendly and can be used on a digital device or smartphone. Students are provided with login details and download access at the start of Year 7.  The suite includes:




Outlook - Your email, accessible from an internet connected device.


Word – Used for word processing and document creation.


Excel - Used to organize, format and calculate data with formulas using a spreadsheet system


Powerpoint - A presentation program that creates a slide show of important information, charts, and images for a presentation.

OneDrive – 1 tb of Cloud storage that can be accessed from almost any device with an internet connection.


OneNote - Widely used in Teams, classes now feature a dedicated class notebook for distributing and receiving work.

Teams - Teams is a collaboration platform complete featuring document sharing, online meetings, chat, Class Notebooks and many more extremely useful features for student and class communications.

Forms - Create online surveys and questionnaires



Key features and functions of Teams, OneNote and Office 365

* Denotes only student login has access to these features


 Class materials*  Access resources and lesson materials for each class.
 Assessment tasks  View assessment task requirements, Rubrics and Resources.
 Submit work and tasks*  Submit assessment, class, and homework tasks.
 Grades and feedback  View grades and feedback from teachers for class work and assessment tasks.
 E-portfolio*  Upload and view work in an e-portfolio.
 Collaborate and give feedback*  Contribute to shared documents; virtual class discussions through blogs; give direct   feedback through survey and quiz tools; reflect on assessment.
 Notifications  Reminders, alerts and news about work, events, and activities.
 Information and resources  View information and updates about the Connect Program, groups and clubs, co-curricular activities, student services, course selection, careers and research skills, as well as helpful information about digital devices.



Compass is our online administrative portal for families, students, and teachers. 


Students use Compass to access:

  • daily updates to their class and co-curricular timetables
  • keep track of homework and Learning Tasks
  • excursion and event information
  • school notices and communications
  • email teachers
  • stay up to date with student progress all year round with continuous reporting

Families use Compass to:

  • Monitor your child’s attendance, and enter an explanation for absence or lateness
  • Communicate with your child’s teachers, and update your family contact details
  • View your child’s timetable and the school calendar
  • Monitor your child’s homework and assessment tasks
  • Download and view your child’s academic reports
  • Book parent-teacher conferences
  • Pay and provide consent for events and school fees


 Digital learning support


For Year 7 families, we run an information session to assist with laptop purchase, requirements, set up and managing it at home. In addition, all Year 7 students participate in our ‘Laptop Induction’ early in Term 1 to help them connect to the school network, download and use DET-provided software, login to Compass and print. We also run a cybersafety workshop in Term 1.

Detailed instructions for setting up and using devices are available on the school website as well as Compass for parents and students. We also have dedicated ICT staff who can help students with device technical or connectivity issues.



Digital textbooks and software


Our students purchase and access digital textbooks for some of their subjects to use on their digital devices.

For more information, see Booklists and digital devices.

Students are provided with free school-licensed and government-provided software for their device.


Acceptable use agreement

It is a privilege and not a right to use a computer, internet services and resources provided by Box Hill High School.  We have an Acceptable Use Agreement that outlines the requirements and expectations for students when using devices and the school network.


Before access is granted the following agreement must be read and agreement acknowledged on Compass by students and parents/ guardians. 


Please refer to the link below:-

BHHS ICT Acceptable Use Agreement





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