Years 7-9, BHHS blue shirt, short or long-sleeves Years 10-12, BHHS white shirt (plain white short-sleeved T-shirt may be worn under shirt)
Plain black leather school shoes
White, navy or black socks
BHHS jacket or BHHS blazer
Approved tartan school skirt [length to top of knees], or
BHHS plain navy blue school trousers
Year 7-9, BHHS blue shirt, short or long-sleeves Years 10-12, BHHS white shirt (plain white short-sleeved T-shirt may be worn under shirt)
Plain navy tights (not black)
Plain black leather school shoes
BHHS V-neck jumper
BHHS jacket or BHHS blazer
Navy blue school trousers with plain navy or black socks, or
Navy blue school shorts with plain white, navy or black socks
Year 7-9, BHHS blue shirt Years 10-12, BHHS white shirt (plain white short-sleeved T-shirt may be worn under shirt)
Plain black leather school shoes
BHHS jacket or BHHS blazer
Plain navy blue school trousers with plain navy or black socks
Year 7-9, BHHS blue shirt, short or long-sleeves Years 10-12, BHHS white shirt (plain white short-sleeved T-shirt may be worn under shirt)
Plain black leather school shoes
BHHS V-neck jumper
BHHS jacket or BHHS blazer
Sports/Physical Education uniform - All levels
BHHS sports shorts
BHHS sports top
Runners/Sports shoes/Sneakers (with arch support; e.g. no Dunlop volleys)
BHHS navy baseball cap or navy bucket hat- compulsory for terms 1& 4
BHHS sports shorts or BHHS sports tracksuit pants
BHHS sports top
Runners/ Sports shoes/Sneakers (with arch support; e.g. no Dunlop volleys)
* Strict adherence to the Uniform Policy will be enforced and students must wear acceptable Sports/PE uniform.
Scarves - Plain navy
Hair colour - Must be natural colors
Hair - Simple accessories in black or navy.
Jewellery - No jewellery, other than plain studs or sleepers in ears, may be worn. No facial piercings. No visible tattoos.
Make-up - No make-up is to be worn at school. Clear nail polish only is permitted.
Hygiene - Hair and clothes should be neat and clean and of a standard acceptable in a school/work situation
Uniform pass - Students without correct uniform must bring a note from home explaining the situation and present it to the appropriate Student Engagement Leader or the Attendance Officer.
Excursions/Sport - Full school uniform is to be worn on all school excursions and sporting events unless otherwise notified.
Private property - Please note that private property brought to school by students is not insured, and the DET is not responsible for any loss.
Wearing of uniform between school and home, and in the schoolyard
Box Hill High School is proud of its image in the community and an important part of this is the school uniform. Therefore all students will wear the full school uniform, including the school shoes, shirts, jumpers or jackets according to the season. Non-regulation jackets, shoes, and pants are not permitted. School shoes must be worn to and from school and in the school at all times, except when actively playing sport or practical PE, where sneakers are permitted. Sneakers are only to be worn while in the gymnasium or while actually playing sport.
New uniforms are available through Bob Stewart Kew and Bob Stewart Mt Waverley stores.
BOB STEWART MT WAVERLEY 290 Stephensons Rd, Mount Waverley Vic 3149 PH: 03 9999 3190 EMAIL: Located less than 7 km from Box Hill High School with ample parking near the store.
BOB STEWART KEW 203 - 207 High Street, Kew Vic 3101 PH: 03 9853 8429 EMAIL: Located 16 km from Box Hill High School with ample parking at the rear of the store.