A Message from the Principal

Welcome to Box Hill High School. Established in 1930, BHHS has a rich tradition of academic excellence and a strong commitment to the emotional and social development of each student.

We place students at the centre of our vibrant and nurturing learning community and achieve excellent results because of the positive attitudes of our students, support from our parents and community partnerships and our commitment to high quality teaching and learning. Box Hill High School staff are passionate, creative and dedicated experts in their field, who inspire, engage and motivate students in and out of the classroom.

As you explore our website you will see students at all year levels experiencing the joy of learning and achieving, working collaboratively in the classroom, on the sports field, at camps, debating, school productions and our international exchanges in Germany and China. This work epitomises the respect and friendliness that is such an important part of the supportive environment on which we build our culture of high expectations and excellence.

Student leadership is championed at Box Hill High School and has shaped many of our programs. We challenge our students to be critical and creative thinkers, effective and confident communicators and to also develop the positive mindset necessary to succeed in the 21st century. Our graduates are lifelong learners, ambitious, ethical and responsible global citizens who face the future with resilience and optimism.

The school’s motto of Ad Altiora Certamus or: “we strive for higher things”, suggests that the future of Box Hill High School is exciting. Our school is constantly evolving, valuing the rich traditions of the past and embracing the challenges of the future.

I warmly welcome you to our school and encourage you to discover the many benefits of a Box Hill High School education.

Kellie Ind

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